Description=This report shows trends in first time and total user visits and in unregistered and registered users. Frequent user visits signal that you have created a compelling site. This report requires registration on your site or "cookie" data within your server log files.
[User summary report.User trends.Weekly user trends]
Description=Shows the number of 1st time users and overall users across the weeks in the analysis period. Larger gaps between total and 1st time users indicate a growing level of repeat, and presumably satisfied, customers.
[User summary report.Unregistered users.Unregistered user trends]
Description=Shows the number of unregistered users visiting your site over the weeks in the analysis period. A single user visiting multiple times per week is only counted as visiting once during the week.
[User summary report.Registered users.Registered user trends]
Description=Shows the number of users who entered a username and password to visit your site over the weeks in the analysis period. A single user visiting multiple times per week is only counted as visiting once during the week.